A Day on Set
August 9, 2020

Whenever a project is finished, we’re always eager to take professional pictures of it. With the willingness of our wonderful clients, our team stages the space and photographs it in as many ways as possible. While it can take some time, we keep our eye on the prize — beautiful photographs of brilliantly designed spaces.
What does a day on set look like, you ask? The first thing on our to-do list is staging. For us, this involves hauling decor from our showroom or our own homes. We often clear out the space and completely redecorate so that it’s suited for a magazine.
Much like everything we do, there’s a lot of collaborative work on set. We work very closely with our photographer, in order to get the best shots. Most of the time, this includes trying different angles, lighting, and staging positions. Not only do we bring in a photographer, but we also collaborate with a videographer.
Once we’ve decided to also capture a video of the space, our set day takes on a few extra tasks. Mainly, this means interviewing the designer, the homeowner, and Owner Jenny. Naturally, the interview looks different every time, but we try to focus on grasping the story of the space.
Since staging has an almost magical effect, we’ve often found our clients asking if we can leave some of our decor behind. While this is possible sometimes, we always make sure to leave our client’s with a good idea of how to best decorate the space themselves. Maybe that means just rearranging? Maybe it means keeping things the way they are? Regardless, we work to make sure our clients are left satisfied at the end of the day. After all pictures and video are taken, we pack up all our belongings and put the space back exactly how we found it.
At one of our recent shoots, the homeowner watched the process unfold and gasped at the end result. She even stated, “That looks like a designer’s home, but it’s mine!” At Karr Bick, this is the kind of magic we not only try to create but also capture. In essence, a day on set helps showcase the happily ever after of a space.
Learn more about the backstage secrets here.
Don’t forget to discover the final product of these behind the scene shots and more about kitchen photography.