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It’s the jolt of energy you feel after just a single glance at something you love, or the soft pause that makes your heart flutter. It’s the seemingly instant sense of clarity and certainty allowing you to discover new possibilities. Regardless if it’s travel, color, landscapes, or texture that gives you this feeling, one thing is for certain, you’ve been struck by inspiration. 

On her vacation this year, Owner Jenny, visited Yellowstone National Park, and surrounding parts of Montana. While away, she couldn’t stop noticing how the natural textures of the landscape had a perfect contrast with the smooth blue sky. Throughout her time there, Jenny was consistently amazed by Mother Nature’s perfect might. She recounts part of her journey in saying, “The beautiful experience grabbed my insides and would not let go; perfect grasslands with grazing buffalo, and my children playing in piles of snow shoeless….all with those glorious Tetons watching over us.”

For some, it may be local shopping or pictures hung on the wall. Nevertheless, if it makes you feel something, you’re on the right track. Allow these different influences in the world to push and pull you in a new direction. Maybe even let this transfer into your home!

Since her time in Yellowstone, Owner Jenny has continued to purchase inspired pieces for a room she’s designing in her own home. With the same kind of vibe as what she experienced in her travels, the pieces she is choosing will forever remind her of the Yellowstone trip of a lifetime. Where does your intuition lead you? Maybe on your next vacation, or even think about one from the past, were you drawn to a fun pattered wallpaper, or another element of a space? Was it something that made you want to “test drive” a color, or design in your own home? 

Though the room didn’t start out with Yellowstone as inspiration, Jenny realized that her trip encompassed the feeling she was trying to achieve with her room. “When we went to Yellowstone I realized how connected I was to the surrounding area, the mountains, the architecture, the design style, the clothes….and I had never been there. It felt like home instantly, like I was there in another life. My soul was at rest. It was then that it dawned on me, I was trying to get that feeling, the one that I had not felt yet, in this room at home. I am pretty sure I was a cowboy in a previous life….or a cowboy’s designer.” Driven by her love for nature and rustic environments, the room mirrors a part of life that really speaks to her aesthetic. Naturally, she feels her best when surrounded with the things she loves. 


At Karr Bick, we challenge you to have courage in defending your happiness within your home. We want you to be confident in your home’s design, but more importantly, we want you to feel like your happiness is guarded, and that you too, are surrounded by things that you love. 

Inspired by a deep love for Montana, Designer Wendy and her client, were able to fulfill a rustic mountaintop feeling without compromising on functional design for a kitchen. Whether your love affair is with Destin, Florida or Phoenix, Arizona,  let inspiration strike you and drive your home’s design. Take a look around and notice what things speak to your heart.  Is it the hawks circling over the mountaintop, a vintage photograph of your grandmother by a pool, or even some memories from your last vacation that inspire you? 

Remember, inspiration doesn’t discriminate in how it strikes. It could easily come from the North, South, East, or West. 

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a spacious chef's kitchen with white backsplash and silver appliances

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