Hiring The Right Team
April 1, 2017

At Karr Bick we believe it’s all about the right team. The people you pick can make or break you and be the difference between agony and ecstasy. Things will go wrong no matter how much you plan for problems as construction is an art not a science, but it’s the people on the team and their ability to navigate through troubled waters for quick and effective resolutions that makes the difference in the end.
What typically makes up a good team? All good teams are lead by a general contractor (or a really bossy kitchen designer) but depending on the scope of work you might need some additional team members.
- General Contractor: His job is team leader. He coordinates all subs and ensures everything is running on time and on budget.
- Architect: If you are doing any structural changes to your home then you will need to have a great architect on the team. They will draw plans and get all the necessary seals for permits.
- Kitchen or Bath Designer: Think Karr Bick.
- Interior Designer: An interior designer can be a great addition to the team. She or he will help you with things like furniture plans and thinking through paint colors.
A great team will help you get through the remodel; however, here are a few extra things to keep in mind:
- There is a good chance someone will cry during the remodel project. It’s about managing your expectations. This at some point can become a very stressful undertaking. So, whether it’s you, your contractor, spouse, designer – having the right team will shorten the duration of the tears, plus a solution will probably come more quickly if the team is cohesive.
- Kitchen and bathroom projects last weeks, sometimes months. You want to like the people you have hired and you want them to like each other. You will be interacting with them weekly, daily and sometimes hourly.
- If your team has worked together before they already know how to communicate with each other. There will not be a get to know you/get to know how you work phase; you don’t have to be the experiment. Communication is key.
- When you have a team you have a crew invested in making sure your project gets completed quickly and efficiently. Everyone has a job to do and everyone knows his or her role.
- These experts know what you don’t know (plans, permits, codes, inspectors) and are accustomed to sailing the consumer through this sometimes very complicated process.
- When you give your team a budget their job is to help get you there.
- A team will save you time and time is money.
The best advice I can give you is to take the time to find the right team. Your team is your rock!
~ Jenny