
I’m not vegan nor vegetarian.  Quite the contrary.  I like cheese.  I like bacon.  And hey, if those two happen to end up in my delicious cooked meat circle sandwich (burger) I’m even merrier. 

I don’t consider myself to be a tree hugger.  But I can tell you that if I close my eyes for a few minutes and imagine I’m in the woods or the mountains my blood pressure drops by double digits (I have a home blood pressure taker thingy).  So I guess my brain likes to hug trees?  And I know that retail stores still using non-recyclable plastic bags is totally ridiculous and stupid, right?  I mean, is that seriously still happening?  Take the damn pacifier away from the baby already!

Sorry.  Granola Boy tangent.

Time to shoot from the hip.  I think it’s our responsibility to do obvious things so our kids inherit a less crappy planet.  I like to call it the “Kids Inherit a Less Crappy Planet Philosophy” or KILCPP :-|. 

A lot of that obvious responsibility falls on us – the construction industry.  Humans will always build & renovate places to live and work.  So how do we do this better?

With Karr Bick, this starts with our cabinetry lines.  Each one of them is KCMA certified which means that the cabinets are manufactured in an environmentally friendly way.

For this post, let’s focus on the Mouser Cabinetry line we sell.  Time for bullets!  Stay with me!

  • Mouser’s Products are Carb II compliant (the most stringent regulation to limit formaldehyde in wood products)
  • Mouser recycles all paper, cardboard, plastic and aluminum
  • They have highly advanced computer systems that minimize material waste (they even track and reuse the cut wood remnants)
  • The wood they can’t, use they grind up and send to furniture board manufacturers to use
  • The booths where their employees spray the cabinets are so well ventilated that they don’t need to wear aspirators
  • They recycle 20% of the solvents used in their finishing process
  • They offer blanket wrapped deliveries to reduce cardboard use
  • They only work with equally eco-friendly suppliers

Are you still there?  Hello again!

In other words, Mouser believes in KILCPPs 😊.

Until we meet again – insulate, explore alternative energy, use less water, turn off the damn lights and come to Karr Bick for your environmentally friendly building products. 

Take care,

A small home office desk above brown wooden drawers and below white cabinets with a dark brown chair.

Home Office Essentials

January 10, 2021

Hiring The Right Team

April 1, 2017

The Power of Wallpaper

June 9, 2020

Tile Drama

October 2, 2017