Todd Rausch

Owner, Project Manager, Master Craftsman
Todd is a Craftsman. He is also Project Manager, VP of Operations, and business owner, husband to me and dad to our 3 kids. He quietly studies the world around, absorbing its lines and textures until a spark strikes. His power to build something of architectural significance and beauty, without a set of plans, with nothing but an image in his mind, inspires awe in me. What is second nature to Todd, easier than breathing (that is true he has a deviated septum;-), is what has always made our homes truly #nothingordinary. If you want to fully understand the depth of this skill, take a visit to Grant’s Farm. While you meander through the Barnhoff and enjoy all of its splendor, take a look up at the copula that sits proudly on top. Todd had for years admired it. So much so that one day he took a few pictures and decided to replicate it. Armed with nothing but his love of the structure and a few very long distance iPhone shots, he managed to construct an almost exact twin for our garage (which now has to become a barn, mind you). The man has internal computation and three-dimensional thinking skills that fuel his problem-solving muscle and bring tremendous strength to our team.