Team member Deb Vuagniaux is on the job.

Social Media & Marketing Manager

“I think I want to do what you do,” my best friend decided. I tried to talk her out of becoming a designer. Twice. The second time was 6 months after she was knee-deep in training. This job is tough. I mean super-complicated, out-of-your-mind, what-are-you-thinking kind of tough. I wasn’t trying to steer her towards a nice peaceful life doing ANYTHING other than kitchen- bath-where-ever space designer/problem solver/project manager/shit taker, because I didn’t think she could do it. I knew she could. She taught small children for over 20 years. If you can wrestle with twenty 6-year-old attention spans while actually teaching them something, you can handle just about anything. Deb was also a music and theater teacher for kids of all ages and spent many summers writing and directing shows. A few years back she started using her creative writing skills and frustrated inner designer to start a very successful blog and Instagram page. You know….in her spare time…not enough to do with teaching, raising three kids, 2 dogs and dare I say one husband (sorry Nathan). Deb can literally talk to anyone – something I am regularly in awe of (me=introvert. Deb=extrovert). It only takes about ten minutes to feel like you have been friends for years. She is efficient, logical and learns fast. It takes bravery to start over again at a time in life when you do not have to. What makes her great is that she WANTS to. Oh, also, I am selfish. I get the person that makes me laugh till my cheeks hurt sitting next to me at lunch every day.

– Jenny Rausch, Owner of Karr Bick
